Recent, current, and forthcoming projects
The 15 species of marmots make an ideal experimental system to ask questions about the evolution of social behavior and communication because they live in a variety of habitats, exhibit a range of social systems, and all species emit between one and five types of alarm calls. Past studies have focused on the meaning of these calls. Current work focuses on yellow-bellied marmots at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado to better understand the evolution of alarm calling and social variation, antipredator behavior, as well as how alpine animals respond to climate change. The behavior and population biology of the marmots of RMBL have been continuously studied since 1962. Exciting new research directions focus on the consequences of social relationships, and the importance of ‘stress’ in reproduction, health and longevity. Visit the RMBL Marmot Project website for more information and a comprehensive list of publications.
The Marmot Burrow , The Marmots of RMBL , Marmot Minutes (blog) , Learn more about the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (and a bit of marmot research) in this RMBL video
Learn about RMBL and marmot research in this 2024 Rocky Mountain PBS video: Gothic’s Outdoor Science Lab
Popular Press:
Science News, Science , Natural History, Los Angeles Times, Audubon Magazine, The Rocky Mountain News, The Aspen Daily News, KBUT Nature Notes-2008 radio interview, The New York Times, Glenwood Springs Post Independent, University of Lousiana, Monroe News, KBUT Nature Notes 2011 radio interview, Vanguardia, also see the special featurette about studying marmots included with the 15th Anniversary Edition release of the film Groundhog Day.
Our long term research was featured in an article in The Scientist in July 2013.
Aspen Public Radio broadcast two pieces about Team Marmot’s work: The Marmots of RMBL, and What Marmots Can Teach Us About Plastics.
An old article from the Fort Scott Tribune I just discovered poking fun at RoboBadger…
Popular press for the PNAS heritable victimization article:
Cosmos, Discover, Live Science, New Scientist,, Science News, Wired Science, NPR’s 90-second Naturalist
Popular press about the marmot masculinization work:
BBC, Live Science, National Geographic Daily News
Celebrate groundhog day long enough and the press comes! A fun article from the LA Times.
Our PRSB paper about heritable alarm calls was a hit in German speaking parts of the world
as was our PRSB paper about the delayed benefits of play:
Die Welt, Der Tagesspiegel
Marmots and marmot research featured in a long article in Men’s Journal about climate change and the end of skiing in Aspen, Colorado.
A fun interview about marmots and climate change on WBEZ-Chicago’s EcoMyths radio show.
Our Behavioral Ecology paper about how less popular marmots emit more alarm calls got some press in ScienceShots, and the Times Live.
A fun newspaper article about a couple who has created an amazing video archive of woodchuck behavior.
Dan and Tina’s social network work featured in a long feature in BioScience.
A wonderful video from 9NEWS (NBC Denver) about the soap opera (The book of marmot?!) that is our RMBL study.
Two Groundhog Day inspired essays–in Zocalo Public Square/Smithsonian and the Huffington Post about marmots, science, and reliable sources of information.
A fun piece in Quartz about long-term research and data management featuring the marmots!
Our PRSB paper about increased sociality reducing marmot longevity was featured in the NY Times Trilobites column, The Verge, Cosmos(I wish I’d thought of the Friends with drawbacks title…), Atlas Obscura, and others…
The sorry saga of marmots being attracted to vehicles and ending up hundreds of miles away led to this Crested Butte News piece.
The marmot project, and how long-term field research was being disrupted by coronavirus, was featured on WHYY’s The Pulse
The marmot project was the featured ‘Science Story’ on RMBL’s website in April 2020.
A fun 2020 summer interview on KBUT’s West Elk Word radio show.
Line Cords wrote a great piece for The Conversation about our PNAS paper that showed how summer and winter survival were influenced by different environmental factors.
Dan gave a talk as part of the (FINE) Frontiers in Social Evolution series that’s available on YouTube.
Gabi got some great press for the study of epigenetic aging (and how marmots seemingly don’t age while they are in torpor) in The New Scientist, and in a Medium essay. Dan and Gabi were featured in a variety of places including Inverse.
The press often comes seeking advice from marmot enthusiasts around Groundhog Day and in 2023 NPR came calling! Various investigations into marmot mayhem also seek advice–including the mysterious death of Wiarton Willie–an albino groundhog reported by the Canadaland podcast.
Dan’s 2024 Groundhog Day essay in MSNBC.
2024’s groundhog day marked the release of an expose about the untimely death of Staten Island Chuck!
Madison’s paper on sociality and the gut microbiome was featured in The Scientist.
Lee Dugatkin published an excerpt from his book on animal social behavior featuring the marmots in undark.
Rocky Mountain PBS came out to visit in the Spring of 2024 for a piece on the RMBL Caretakers and the Marmot Project.
Check out Xochitl and Dan’s piece on cumulative adversity and marmot trauma in The Conversation.
We are involved in a number of studies of population dynamics that capitalize on the long-term marmot database (started in 1962). Recent insights have included the vital role of phenotypic plasticity in growth rate that stabilizes the marmot population and a number of studies have begun to focus on longevity and senescence. By understanding drivers of population dynamics we gain fundamental insights into population persistence and extinction.
Popular press for the 22 July 2010 Nature cover story about how shorter winters have led to fatter marmots and a population explosion over the past decade includes:
- The LA Times, The NY Times, Discovery News, New Scientist, The Telegraph, Time Magazine, Scientific American, Wired Science, USA Today, AFP, LiveScience, Discover Magazine, Eureka Alert, PhysOrg, The Christian Science Monitor, CBS News, Irish Times, Planet Earth, The Money Times, AOL News, The Denver Post, and more! Listen to Arpat’s Nature PodCast interview and Dan’s NPR interview.
- And, don’t forget to read the News of The World to learn about Arpat’s summer vacations…
- 5 March 2008: Utah State University–Ecology Center Seminar Series: Conservation behavior lessons from marmots
Virtually all animals are vulnerable to predation at some point in their lives and a key response to predators is flight. Colleagues and I have generated large data sets in birds, mammals, and lizards to understand the evolution of escape behavior. Through many empirical studies and large-scale comparative studies and meta-analyses, we have identified key factors that explain variation in escape behavior. By identifying mechanisms that influence flight initiation distance, we are able to apply this knowledge to understanding human tolerance of wildlife.
Popular Press:
- Atlas Obscura piece on escape
- Interviews, and book reviews in Psychology Today and The Biologist,
Fear is elicited by specific sights, sounds, and smells. What is it that makes sounds scary? Why do certain smells evoke fear in animals? How can knowledge of this be used? In a series of studies with marmots, kangaroos, deer, and people, colleagues and I are studying the biological basis of fear. Recent studies have demonstrated that non-linear sounds (noise, abrupt frequency fluctuations, biphonation, and subharmonics) are uniquely alarming and emotionally evocative to mammals, including, apparently, humans. Specifically, horror film soundtracks have more noise than would be expected, while sad dramatic movie scenes use abrupt frequency fluctuations and biphonation to make us feel scared or sad. Other studies seek to better understand how predator urine can be used as natural repellents, and by doing so, hopefully save many ‘problem’ animals from elimination.
Popular Press: Australian Geographic, Science News, AFP, Wired News, Discovery News, ABC (Australia), NY Daily News, The Guardian, The Independent, The Telegraph, I09, The Daily Mail, CBS Evening News (video), BBC World Service (audio clip), CBC–As It Happens, The National (Abu Dhabi), The Washington Examiner, BBC Science In Action Radio Show, Discover’s DiscoBlog, Wired, Live Science, MSNBC, Discover, Wired Science, Wall Street Journal, Science Network-Western Australia, and more…
Popular Press about the 2012 Biology Letters paper on the sound of arousal in music: US News, NPR, MSNBC, Time, UCLA Newsroom, LiveScience, Daily Mail, California Watch, Irish Independent, ToneDef, Medical Daily, LA Weekly, ABC Radio (Australia) interview with Dan, video interview with Dan by David Sloan Wilson on Evolution: This View of Life, BYU Radio on Sirius FM, and more…
Talks: 2 February 2010: UCLA Darwin Evolving Curious Naturalist Series: The sound of fear
17 March 2011: Aspen Center for Environmental Studies: The sound of fear: A journey from mountain marmots to Hollywood
27 October 2012: TEDx-UCLA: The Sound of Fear (in less than 8 minutes)
17 January 2013: NIMBioS talk: The sound of fear: A journey from marmot meadows to Hollywood (55 min).
Halloween 2013: Spotify featured our work which generated some fun press from ABC News, PBS, Parade, USA Today.
Dan was interviewed for 99% invisible on scary sounds and scary music.
Dan was interviewed for ABC Australia’s radio show Beyond The Lab on The Sound of Horror.
Dan was interviewed for ABC Australia’s radio show It’s Just Not Cricket on scary music and films.
Dan was interviewed for the BBC show, The Naked Scientist on the Sound of Fear.
Halloween 2017 led to two fun interviews–Dan was part of a long and really interesting episode of the award winning Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast on Spooky Sounds, and Dan was interviewed as part of WHYY’s The Pulse on the sounds of primal fear.
Dan was interviewed as part of a BBC piece on music in animals called A Sense of Music.
The marmots were featured in 2024 for a Halloween piece on both Morning Edition and on the NPR Short Wave Podcast!
Advances in comparative methods have led to a renaissance in the study of the evolution of behavior. Past studies have focused on the evolution of social and communicative behavior in ground-dwelling sciurid rodents, the evolution of infanticide in rodents and, as described above, many studies looking at the evolution of antipredator behavior and other life history traits in birds. New work seeks to understand the evolution of traits related to health and disease.
Popular press: Discovery News; Discover Magazine; Daily Mail; NPR Blog; UCLA Newsroom; Featured Articles in Internal Medicine; and more…
Many birds and mammals vary the amount of time allocated to the mutually-exclusive activities of foraging and antipredator vigilance as a function of the number of adjacent conspecifics. This fundamental tradeoff has important consequences for the evolution of sociality but could result from two very different pathways: feeding competition, or a reduction in the risk of predation. Comparative studies focused on the evolution of so called ‘group-size effects’, and empirical studies focus on marmots to identify mechanisms underlying vigilance.
Popular Press: Ecos Magazine
Talks: 6 March 2008: Utah State University–Ecology Center Seminar Series: Antipredator behavior of kangaroos and wallabies: integrating behavior and conservation
Many species are isolated from the predators with which they evolved. Remarkably, we know little about how long presumably adaptive antipredator behavior persists in a species’ behavioral repertoire once selection is relaxed for antipredator behavior. Previous work focused on kangaroos and wallabies that are either found with predators, or have been isolated from them for 30 to 9,500 years. The goal was to understand how long antipredator behaviors of different degrees of sophistication persist under relaxed selection. An exciting dimension of this research created virtual worlds where we studied relaxed selection for antipredator behavior. We extended this work to studying relaxed selection on antipredator behavior in marmots and deer, and now are working on studies of other Australian native mammals.
Popular Press: Science Daily; Terra Daily; PsychCentral; The NY Times
Knowledge of animal behavior can help us conserve and manage endangered species. A common management intervention to recover a locally extinct population is captive breeding followed by reintroduction. Sadly, most of these reintroductions fail, and predation is often implicated as the cause of failure. Previous work focused on detailed studies of predator recognition abilities in kangaroos and wallabies as well as the critically-endangered Vancovuer Island marmot, combined with studies that focus on specifically what is learnt when animals are trained to recognize predators. Work sought to understand the degree to which kangaroos and wallabies benefited from living socially. Even relatively non-social species may benefit from aggregation. Other work seeks to apply general behavioral principles, such as learning and fear conditioning, to manage “problem” animals, while additional work seeks to document how anthropogenic activities and pollution influence behavior.
Current work at Arid Recovery, a fenced reserve in the South Australian Arid Zone, with Australian native mammals seeks to understand if we can jump-start natural selection or learning by exposing animals to a few predators before they are released into predator-rich areas.
In addition, Esteban Fernández-Juricic and I wrote the first conservation-behavior textbook: A Primer of Conservation Behavior for Sinauer, and other colleagues and I have written a number of forward-looking reviews about how knowledge of behavior can be applied to solve conservation problems.
Popular Press: Science News, Nature, Nature Science Update, NatureAustralia
Press about our work at Arid Recovery: Haikai magazine, Sydney Morning Herald, ABC (Australia)
Watch this video about our work at Arid Recovery.
Pigeons home faster through polluted air was the subject of articles in The Economist, LA Times, livescience, The Daily Mail, and Conservation Magazine, and got extensive press in France (e.g., Figaro, RTL, TF1, RSE magazine and more!) and in China.
Reversing the effects of evolutionary prey naiveté through controlled predator exposure received some press from Science, The British Ecological Society, The Economist, Scientific American, and others.
Oded’s Wildlife Society interview about our Animal Conservation paper: Conservation translocations: a review of common difficulties and promising directions.
The Tackling Prey Naivety project was a finalist in the 2020 Eureka Prize for Applied Environmental Science.
Dan’s talk at Cambridge BioSoc about the Arid Recovery work.
Dan’s talk at LaTrobe University about conservation behavior.
Dan’s interview on the podcast The Dissenter was mostly about antipredator behavior and conservation.
Ecotourism is the fastest growing part of the world’s largest industry, tourism. Yet, in order for ecotourism to be sustainable, we must know much more about how non-humans perceive the myriad of impacts associated with tourism so that they can be minimized. Unfortunately, most studies focus on a single species and there is no theory managers can use to predict how a particular species might react to, say, the construction of a hiking trail. Current and future work aims to
develop predictive models about how species react to human impacts based on an understanding of life-histories and evolutionary “experiences”. Colleagues and I have edited a book on the biological impacts of ecotourism with theaim of providing managers, operators, and ecotourists information that will permit deleterious impacts to be reduced, while still optimizing benefits to humans.
Popular Press: El Colombiano, Science Update, The Conservation Behaviorist, Conservation Magazine
Press on: The omnivores dilemma: diet explains variation in vulnerability to vehicle collision: The Week, Science News, Conservation Biology News
Extensive Press on: How nature-based tourism might increase prey vulnerability to predators: The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Mail, The Independent, Science News, Outside Magazine, Washington Times, Take Part, Mother Jones, Scientific American, KPCC Air Talk, German Public Radio (Deutschlandfunk), Smithsonian, Folha de S.Paulo, Animals Today Radio,, and many, many more… Plus, read our popular perspective of this in The Conversation.
Increased tolerance to humans among disturbed wildlife was the subject of articles in: The Wildlife Society, Nature World News, NZ Health Tech, The Scientist, Love Nature, Science World Report, and more…
Dan interviewed by Christian Science Monitor about animal based ecotourism.
Bree got some great press on our PLoS One paper about lizard flight behavior being influenced by clothing color in Science Daily, Inverse, Cosmos, and Seeker.
WiN’s work on Parading Shrimp was featured on the New York Times, National Geographic, and there’s a great Korean video made from his footage.
Dan was featured on the AFAR podcast about ethical wildlife tourism.
At UCLA we teach an intensive field biology class called the Field Biology Quarter. I’ve taken groups of highly-motivated undergraduates to Australia, Kenya, the Virgin Islands, and Belize for a bout of intensive research and learning. Students write proposals while in the US, then, working collaboratively in groups of three, have 3 weeks in-country to conduct the research. A bout of analysis and writing follows back in LA. In the past, students have conducted first-rate research and a variety of these student-generated projects (mostly focusing on antipredator behavior and communication) have been published. Some have even received popular press!
Past Teaching Assistants: Tiffany Armenta, Janice Daniel, Jonathan Drury, Brenda Larison, Nicole Munoz, Matt Petelle, Brian Smith, Lucretia Olson, Dana Williams
Popular Press: Natural History, Science Update, Nature, Science News, UCLA Today, The Last Word on Nothing, Journal of Zoology podcast, San Diego Jewish World…

Colleagues and I created a field of Natural Security. Inspired by some inflexible responses following the attacks of September 11th, and our slow responses to adapt to to asymmetrical conflicts with insurgents, we use the lessons of 3.5 billion years of life to try to develop novel defensive strategies. All animals must learn to live with risk; those that don’t die or become extinct. Thus, the term ‘war on terror’ is flawed in that it assumes we can eliminate risk; we can’t and therefore must effectively manage it. The diversity antipredator behavior provides a variety of strategies animals use to manage their threats. Outcomes of this interdisciplinary collaboration have included an edited volume, called Natural Security, a symposium at the 2009 AAAS meetings, a Nature Opinion piece, and a ONR-G meeting in Edinburgh in 2010.
Media: Science Daily (reprinted elsewhere), Swedish Radio (in Swedish), Global Security Newswire, SciCom Interview

Colleagues and I have developed an Evolutionary Medicine Program at UCLA. In addition to creating the first-ever undergraduate minor in evolutionary medicine, we added a MS degree program and are cultivating an inter-disciplinary conversation across campus about how biomedical research and, ultimately, clinical outcomes, can improve from asking all of Tinbergen’s four questions about health and disease. My own work puts disease and adaptations to avoid disease into a life-history history perspective with the aim of searching for bio-inspired insights that may improve medicine and public health.
Links: UCLA EvMed website
To study behavior one must often quantify it. With NIH support, we developed, and freely distribute, a new and powerful event-recorder and analysis package. It is written in the Java(TM) computer language so that works on virtually any modern microcomputer. Sinauer has published the JWatcher book–Quantifying Behavior the JWatcher Way.
Links: JWatcher web site. Book reviews: Condor, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Quarterly Review of Biology.
We built tools to inventory animals by detecting, recording, and analyzing their sounds. Among other functions, this enabled behavioral ecologists to study the temporal and spatial dynamics of acoustic communication, and conservation biologists and wildlife managers to acoustically census animals. With NSF support, we developed VoxNet: an integrated software and hardware package which improved existing technology in four main areas: software, near-real time event recognition, energy efficiency, and a much longer communication range.
Links: Birds of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, VoxNet website (includes software downloads)
Popular Press: Conservation Magazine, Editor’s choice article at Journal of Applied Ecology

I feel that if we love nature, we’re obligated to protect it. Thus, I’m involved in several projects that seek to translate science to action through environmental education and public outreach. Charlie Saylan and I have written a book-length treatment of our PLoS-Biology essay–The failure of environmental education (and how we can fix it) for University of California Press (to be published in 2011). I’ve started to write Op-Ed pieces, and I write popular pieces whenever possible. A recent example of this is my essay in Thoreau’s Legacy: American Stories About Global Warming on pika. I also take children and adults out ‘marmoteering’ as part of the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory’s Environmental Education Program to share my excitement of biology and animal behavior with others.
Read the Earth Day 2011 OpEd that Charlie and I wrote in The Christian Science Monitor, and see how I would spend $1 million to help save the Earth.
Media: Interview with Charlie and Dan on Progressive Radio Network’s Paradise Parking Lot (starts 30 min in), our interview on the David Sirota Show; Take Part interview, Charlie’s interview on the Radio EcoShock show (near the end), Charlie’s interview on Tavis Smiley, Charlie’s interview in Yale e360, Clearing Magazine, Dan’s interview on BYU Radio on Sirius FM about fear and civility (near end of interview), Dan and Charlie on 16 Aug 13 episode of Stuart Campbell’s Consider This Radio Show, and more…
Dan & Charlie speaking at the first ever White House Summit on Environmental Education.
Dan featured in a film about eco-eating and the ethics of food choice.
Reviews and comments about: The Failure of Environmental Education (And How We Can Fix It): Audubon (lead essay), Nature Climate Change, Green Economics, UCLA Newsroom,, Miller-McCune, The Arizona Republic, and more…
Dan is fortunate to be part of an all-star cast of international colleagues who are warning against a ghastly future if we don’t address a number of intersecting global social and environmental challenges. Our paper in Frontiers in Conservation Science was well-received, as was The Conversation piece we also wrote. There was a tremendous amount of press about this including in The Guardian, Yale 360, CNN, and many, many other places. Recent press includes CBS News.
With colleagues from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (Alison Greggor), William & Mary (John Swaddle and Alli Sabo), and Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Oded Berger-Tal), we have been developing The Integrative Conservation Clinic. It’s described nicely on the following infographic. Please feel free to contact me to learn how you can contribute. We’re aiming for an initial launch in the next year (late 2023-mid 2024).